Freshly baked : hot from the oven of summer internship... Monday Morning Blues...
One of the few things in the world that have really managed in succeeding to be the focus of my concentrated undisguised hatred - and, I assure you, I am usually a very genial soul who normally never bears any kind of ill-will toward any other aggregation of atoms - living or non-living - is the sight of my office on a monday morning ! (to be specific, this monday morning - coz I have no clue how the next one will be - might be really great for all you know...). The thing I hate most of all (with appropriate might-change-my-mind-later-dont-hold-me-responsible-disclaimer and delegating full resposibility to my current frame of mind) is the slow dragging of my two unwilling feet to office and the subsequent time spent in those very comfortable-now-an-eye-sore chairs and the starting-to-work sequence on a glorious monday morning, when the only thing one feels like doing is to continue the heavenly state of slumber with its much-awaited out-of-the-world dreamy dreams followed by a sumptuous breakfast and lunch (later, of course) in bed - spoon in one hand and a good novel in the other !
To understand this hatred which has suddenly sprung up from nowhere 540 seconds ago (in the mind of one who was genuinely in love with work and office until 540 seconds back and who is highly likely to fall in love with it again well before lunch today) one needs to first understand my frame of mind and the sequence of events that occured in my very recent past - to be more specific, yesterday and this morning.
Yesterday was the laziest day in my life as far as my digging-into-my-memory-dump results go. Got up late, had breakfast, read some work-related stuff till lunch time, had lunch, relaxed in bed comfortably with a novel, spent the whole afternoon and evening lying in bed reading the novel and the aforementioned work-related stuff in alternation (just to prove to myself that I am not the kind of waste-a-holiday-when-u-have-work lazy sluggish girl), had dinner, put together a small bit of a 2000-piece puzzle and then went to bed. All of this was, of course, interspersed with some calls from different people enquiring about the status of my health, my week at office and my day in general - genuine kith and kin (not those shady 'Hello Darling ! I was really concerned about you - by the way - would you mind if I borrowed your pink pearl set for the party tomorrow ?' types) who were concerned about me and wanted to be a part of my everyday life. In short, it was the perfect day one could ever have, if you did not mind not stirring out of the house all day... Of course, though I am not exactly of that breed, I still enjoyed my perfect day yesterday in the spacious 5th floor flat overlooking huge structures of cement that seem to crawl out of the earth and continue their steep ascent in a vain effort to try and reach the sky, with a view from another balcony of the refreshingly fresh sea which seem to emanate the very essense of life and generously spray it into the cool breeze it sent my way.
By now, I think you will be ready to sympathize with my feelings of desolation when the sun peeped up this morning and forced me to get out of bed with its long tentacles reaching out and exploring every nook and cranny of the room, reminding me of the long week ahead waiting for me with outstreched open arms. And you can also imagine my feelings as I had a little game of table tennis by myself gently teasing my breakfast from one side of my plate to the other and back again. I was thoroughly pampered and spoilt by yesterdays' events (or rather, non-events) and looked longingly at the bed and various other parts of the house, that beckoned, enticing me to spend one more lazy day in its confines, when the time came for me to rush to office. As a natural consequence, I ended up postponing my departure which resulted in the obvious chain of events that culminated in a 5 minute-late entry at office, not helped a bit by my lazy legs which, with a will of their own, seemed the least bit interested in reducing the displacement between the cluster of atoms that was me and the cluster of atoms that was my office.
Thus started my 'wonderful' monday morning at office - the 29th day of my summer internship.
However, thankfully, I was not the focus of what-the-hell-is-she-a-goddess-that-she-can-be-late-to-office looks from coworkers. I am forever indebted to the unseen supreme power up above for the gift of a good, informal, helpful, friendly work atmosphere, which earned me cheery "Hi"s and "G'Morning"s as I trudged wearily along, parrying with similar courtesy greetings and made a beeline for my desk, to the spate of mails that popped out of my inbox, which I refused to acknowledge, promising myself that it could wait for atleast 15 minutes, giving me time to settle down and bring my thoughts into some semblence of an order to facilitate efficient brain functioning for office work.
Having offloaded my thoughts and monday morning blues onto another medium (meaning my very own scratchpad online) which, unfortunately, is dumb and cant offer me words of encouragement, I look up in time to hear my guide rapidly typing away in his cubicle right next door, while, on a spree of multitasking, seals a deal over the phone,while simultaneously signalling in un-decipherable sign language that he will be joining the other VP for a meeting in 5 seconds ! I thank my stars for the unbelievably good easy time I have had in life till now (compared to the multitasking-on-a-monday-morning poor office-goer) while my thoughts race into the future with chilling forboding, imagining the time when I'd be in his shoes or maybe performing an even more vigorous form of multitasking that happens to involve the other unused parts of my body like my other hand and my two feet). I call out in haste to my guide - "Hey - tell me whenever you can spare time for a half hour session regarding my project" and receive an encouraging nod and a "Yep -sure - we'll sit together after lunch" while his eyes beseech me, giving me pitiable looks that say "Cant you see I am extremely busy today ? Please have some mercy on this poor body of mine which is trying to do its monday-morning-best..."
With a small smile, I return to my desk and open the huge folder that contains all project-related stuff, knowing fully well that someday, sometime, my guide will definitely find some time for me and my project - just that I fervently hope that the great moment falls sometime within the period of my summer internship !
cool blog came upon it by mstake :P
but will keep visiting it. you have a nice and easy way to telling things.
have a nice time with the facchas (or whatever u call them) in IIMA. Especially since some of my best buddies are going there :))
With moi and misra around though its gonna be a rollicking affair. sheesh now i wish i had given cat this year :P
Hi Chanakya... Thanks for passing by... Keep coming back ! You can also check out my other blog if you have time to kill...
As for ur buddies, we'll definitely take good care of them at IIMA ! Dont worry !!!
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